A life lived by the beach – it’s the Australian dream come true. But sadly, this idyllic coastal lifestyle might not be enjoyed so enthusiastically by your air conditioner, which may be more prone to corrosion, damage and even a shortened lifespan due to the impact of the salty air.
So how does salt spray and sea air affect air conditioners and what can you do to assist?
Salt, sea spray and the sad effects on your air con
Most people who live near Sydney’s beautiful beaches appreciate that salt spray and sea air can take their toll over time. From rusted fixtures and fittings to appliances and even corroded cement work, those harsh natural elements sure make their presence felt.
Whether it’s your domestic air conditioning or your work HVAC system, the humble air conditioner is not immune to the effects of the ocean air, especially those components that sit outside your premises year-round enduring the salt-laden spray
So what damage does ocean air cause?
Some corrosive culprits in that lovely fresh air
Sure, the salt air is always refreshing and it’s super good for your health, but it’s also high in sodium chloride which metal appliances don’t tend to like so much.
Due to the moisture in the sea air this salty residue is often carried inland and settles onto items like appliances and fixtures where over time, they can produce corrosion and rust.
If you consider all the metal elements of an air conditioner, that gives the salty air a lot to work with – from condensor coils to fins and unit housings, there are numerous sites for potential damage
Meanwhile, air conditioning can even struggle to work at peak performance in the presence of salt and that can cause your air conditioner to wear prematurely if you don’t take the appropriate steps.
Importantly, you don’t even have to live directly by the sea to feel the effects. Studies have shown salt air affects metal more than 80km inland.
So, what should you do?
Combatting salt spray
If you live in a seaside location like Sydney, it’s important to combat the effects of salt on your air conditioning with regular cleaning and maintenance.
Regular cleans and checks of your unit for corrosion and potential rust allow you to prevent damage where possible and replace parts when required, long before a small problem results in a full air conditioning breakdown.
As experts in the field we recommend at least annual checks and cleans of domestic units and one to two yearly routine check-ups for commercial air conditioners to improve the lifespan of your heating and cooling unit by up to 10 extra years
About Climacool
Servicing the greater Sydney region, Climacool Air Conditioning prides itself on superior service and quality workmanship.
We work with the leading brands in the field of heating and cooling, and have an enviable reputation for meeting the needs of our valued commercial clientele in air conditioning installation, service, and repairs.
You can learn more about our commercial services here, or contact us directly for assistance in selecting, installing and maintaining the right air conditioning system for your business.